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Sunday, July 5, 2009

Digital Logic Design

Text Books:
Digital Design, 3rd Edition, M. Morris Mano, Pearson Education, Inc.,2002
Reference Books:
1. Digital Logic Design Principles, Norman Balabanian and Bradley Carlson,
John Wiley & Sons(Asia) Pte. Ltd., 2002
2. Fundamentals of Digital Circuits, A. Ananda Kumar, PHI, 2002
3. Digital Circuits and Design, 2nd Edition,S Salivahanan and S Arivazhagan, Vikas
Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 2003
4. Fundamentals of Digital Logic with VHDL Design, Stephen Brown and
Zvonko Vranesic, Tata McGraw-Hill Edition, 2002

Probability, Statistics & Queuing Theory

Text Book:
Probability, Statistics and Random Processes by T.Veerarajan, Tata McGraw Hill
Reference Book:
Probability & Statistics with Reliability, Queuing and Computer Applications by
Kishor S. Trivedi , Prentice Hall of India ,1999

Descrete Mathematical Structures-I

Text Book:
“Discrete Mathematics for computer scientists & Mathematicians” by Joe L. Mott, Abraham
Kandel & T. P. Baker, Prentice Hall of India Ltd, New Delhi
Reference Books:
1) “Discrete mathematics and its applications” by Keneth. H. Rosen, , Tata McGraw- Hill
Publishing Company, New Delhi
2) “ Discrete mathematics” by Richard Johnsonbaug, Pearson Education, New Delhi

Data Structures

Text Books:
1. Data Structures Using C and C++ Yddish Langsam, Moshe J. Augenstein and
Aaron M. Tanenbaum, Prentice Hall Of India (2nd Edition) (Chapters 1 to 8).
2. Data Structures, Algorithms and Applications with C++, Sahani Mc-Graw Hill.

Elements of Electrical Engineering

Text Book:
“Elements of Electrical Engineering and Electronics” by V.K.Mehta, S. Chand & Co
Reference Book:
“A First Course in Electrical Engineering” by Kothari.


Text Book:
Electronic Device and Circuits by Sanjeev Gupth.
Integrated Electronics by Millman & Halkias.

Electrical Lab

Cycle I
1. O.C.C and Load Characteristics of a D.C Shunt Generator.
2. O.C.C and Load Characteristics of a D.C Separately Excited Generator.
3. O.C and S.C Test on a Single Phase Transformer.
4. O.C and S.C. Test on a D.C Shunt Motor.
Cycle II
1. No Load and Blocked rotor tests on a 3 - φ Squirrel cage I.M.
2. Load test on a 3 - φ Slip ring Induction Motor.
3. Power measurement in a 3 - Phase Balanced A.C circuit using two wattmeter method.
4. O.C & S.C .C test on a 3 -phase alternator (Synchronous impedance method of
regulator calculation.

Digital Logic Design

1. Binary Systems, Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates.
Digital Systems. Binary Numbers. Number Base Conversions. Octal and Hexadecimal Numbers.
Complementss.. Signed Binary Numbers. Binary Codes. Binary Storage and Registers. Binary Logic
Basic Definitions. Axiomatic Definition of Boolean Algebra. Basic Theorems and Properties of
Boolean Algebra. Boolean Functions. Canonical and Standard Forms. Other Logic Operations.
Digital Logic Gates. Integrated Circuits.
2. Combinational Logic Design, Gate-Level Minimization.
The Map Method. Four-Variable Map. Five-Variable Map. Product of Sums Simplification. Don't-
Care Conditions. NAND and NOR Implementation. Other Two- Level Implementations. Exclusive-
OR Function. Hardware Description Language
Combinational Logic
Combinational Circuits. Analysis Procedure. Design Procedure. Binary Adder- Subtractor.
Decimal Adder. Binary Multiplier. Magnitude Comparator. Decoders. Encoders. Multiplexers.
HDL For Combinational Circuits.
3. Sequential Logic Design, Synchronous Sequential Logic
Sequential Circuits. Latches. Flip-Flops. Analysis of Clocked Sequential Circuits. HDL For
Sequential Circuits. State Reduction and Assignment. Design Procedure.
Registers ad Counters.
Registers. Shift Registers. Ripple Counters. Synchronous Counters. Other Counters. HDL for
Registers and Counters.
Fundamentals of Asynchronous Sequential Logic
Introduction. Analysis Procedure. Circuits With Latches. Design Procedure. Hazards
4. Memory and Programmable Logic
Introduction. Random-Access Memory. Memory Decoding. Error Detection and Correction. Read-
Only Memory. Programmable Logic Array. Programmable Array Logic. Sequential Programmable

Probability, Statistics & Queuing Theory

Probability: Definitions of probability, Addition theorem, Conditional probability,
Multiplication theorem, Bayes theorem of probability and Geometric probability.
Random variables and their properties, Discrete Random variable, Continuous Random
variable, Probability Distribution joint probability distributions their properties, Transformation
variables, Mathematical expectations, probability generating functions.
Probability Distributions / Discrete distributions: Binomial, Poisson Negative binominal
distributions and their properties. (Definition, mean, variance, moment generating function.,
Additive properties, fitting of the distribution.)
Continuous distributions: Uniform, Normal, exponential distributions and their roperties.
Curve fitting using Principle of Least Squares.
Multivariate Analysis: Correlation, correlation coefficient, Rank correlation, Regression
Analysis, Multiple Regression, Attributes, coefficient of Association, χ2 – test for goodness of
fit, test for independence.
Sample, populations, statistic, parameter, Sampling distribution, standard error,
unbiasedness, efficiency, Maximum likelihood estimator, notion & interval estimation.
Testing of Hypothesis: Formulation of Null hypothesis, critical region, level of
significance, power of the test.
Small Sample Tests: Testing equality of .means, testing equality of variances, test of
correlation coefficient, test for Regression Coefficient.
Large Sample tests: Tests based on normal distribution
Queuing theory: Queue description, characteristics of a queuing model, study state
solutions of M/M/1: α Model, M/M/1 ; N Model.

Descrete Mathematical Structures-I

Introduction: Sets-Operations on sets-relations-functions-Proof methods and problem
solving strategies-Fundamentals of Logic- Logical inferences-Methods of proof of an
implication-First Order logic and Other Proof methods-Rules of inference for quantified
Propositions-Mathematical Induction
Elementary Combinatorics: Basics of Counting- Combinations and Permutations-Their
Enumeration with and without repetition-Binomial coefficients-Binomial and
Multinomial Theorems-The Principle of Inclusion-Exclusion.
Recurrence Relations: Generating Functions of Sequences-Calculating their
Coefficients-Recurrence relations-Solving recurrence relations-Method of characteristic
Roots- Non-homogeneous Recurrence relations and their solutions
Relations and Digraphs: Relations and Directed Graphs-Special Properties of Binary
relations- Equivalence Relations-Ordering Relations-Lattices and Enumeration-
Operations on relations-Paths and Closures-Directed Graphs and Adjacency matrices-
Applications of sorting, searching and topological sorting.
Graphs: Basic concepts-Isomorphism-subgraphs-Planar Graphs-Euler’s formula-
Multigraphs and Euler circuits-Hamiltonian graphs-Chromatic numbers-Four color
Trees: Trees and their properties-Trees as graphs-spanning trees-Directed trees-Binary
trees-Their traversals-Arithmetic and Boolean expressions as trees- height balanced trees.

Data Structures

Introduction to Data Structures: Information and Meaning – Representation of Multi- Dimensional Arrays _
Review of C Programming.
The Stack: Primitive operations – As an Abstract Data Type – Implementing the Stack operations in C.
Infix, Postfix and Prefix: Definitions, Evaluation and Conversions using C.
Recursion: Recursive Definition and Processes, Recursion in C and Recursive Implementation of Applications.
Simulation of Recursion – Efficiency of Recursion.
Queues and Lists: The Queue as Abstract Data Type – Sequential Representation _Types of Queues – Operations
– Implementation in C.
Linked List: Operations – Implementation of Stacks, Queues and priority Queues in C. Circular Lists: Insertion,
Deletion and Concatenation Operations _ Stacks and Queues as Circular Lists _ Doubly Linked Lists
Trees: Binary Trees Operations and Applications.
Binary Tree Representation: Node Representation – Implicit array Representation – Choice of Representation –
Binary Tree Traversal – Threaded Binary Trees and their Traversal – Trees and their Applications
Sorting: General Background: Efficiency – The big 0 Notation – Efficiency of Sorting. Bubble Sort and Quick
Sort and their Efficiency – Selection Sorting – Binary Tree Sort – Heap Sort – Insertion Sorts – Shell Sort –
Address calculation Sort – Merge and Radix Sorts.
Searching: Basic Searching Techniques: Dictionary as an Abstract Data Type – Algorithmic
Notation – Sequential Searching and its Efficiency – Binary Search – Interpolation Search.
Tree Searching: Insertion into a Binary Search Tree – Deleting from a Binary Search Tree – Efficiency of Binary
Search Tree operation
Graphs and Their Application: Graphs: Application of Graphs – Representation of Graphs in
C – Transitive closure – Warshall’s Algorithm – Shortest Path Algorithm.
Linked Representation of Graphs: Dijikstra’s Algorithm – Organizing the set of Graph
Nodes – Application to Scheduling and its implication.
Graph Traversal and Spanning Forests – Undirected Graph and their Traversals, Applications and Efficiency –
Minimal Spanning Trees –Prim’s and Kruskal’s Algorithms.

Elements of Electrical Engineering

1.Magnetic circuits: Definitions of magnetic circuit, Reluctance, Magneto-motive force),
magnetic flux, Simple problems on magnetic circuits, Hysterisis loss.
2.Electromagnetic Induction : Faraday’s laws of Electromagnetic Induction, Induced
E.M.F., Dynamically induced E.M.F., Statistically induced EMF, Self Inductance,
Mutual Inductance.
3.D.C. Generators: D.C.Generator principle, construction of D.C. generator, E.M.F
equation of D.C. generator, Types of D.C. generator, Efficiency, Characteristics of D.C.
generator, Efficiency, Applications of D.C. generator
4.D.C. Motors: D.C. Motor principle, working of D.C.Motors. significance of back E.M.F.,
Torque equation of D.C. Motors, Types of D.C. Motors, Characteristics of D.C. Motors,
Speed control methods of D.C. Motors, Applications of D.C. Motor. Testing of D.C.
5.Machines : Losses and Efficiency, Direct load test and Swinburne’s test.
6.A.C. Circuits: Introduction to Steady State Analysis of A.C. Circuits, Single and
Balanced 3 Phase Circuits.
7.Transformers: Transformer principle, EMF equation of transformer, Transformer on load,
Equivalent circuit of Transformer, Voltage regulation of Transformer, Losses in a
Transformer, Calculation of Efficiency and Regulation by Open circuit and Short circuit
8.Three phase Inductance Motor: Induction Motor working principle. Construction of 3
Phase induction Motor, Principle of operation. Types of 3 phase induction Motor.,
Torque Equation of Induction Motor., slip – Torque characteristics., Starting Torque,
Torque under running condition., Maximum Torque Equation., Power stages of Induction
Motor., Efficiency Calculation of Induction Motor by direct loading.
9.Alternator: Alternator working principle, EMF equation of Alternator, Voltage
Regulation by Sync. Impedance method.
10.Synchronous Motor: Synchronous Motor principle of Operation, Construction., Methods of
starting of synchronous motor.


I. Semiconductors :
Electronic Emission from metal carrier concentration in an intrinsic
Semiconductors open circuited PN junction – diffusion.
II. PN Junction Diode :
PN Junction Diode, VI Characteristics of PN Junction Diode, capacitate effects in
PN Junction Diode, Quantitative theory of PN Junction Diode.
III. Special Devices:
Principles, Working of zero diode, Tunnel diode, Varactor diode, Schottky diode, SCR
and UJT.
IV. Transistors:
The bipolar junction Transistor – Operation of PNP and NPN Transistors –
Transistor Circuit configurations- characteristics of a CE configurations – h
parameter, low frequency small signal equivalent circuit of a Transistor.
V. Transistor Biasing and thermal stabilization:
Transistor Biasing, stabilization, Different methods of transistor biasing – Fixed bias,
Collector feedback bias – self bias – Bias compensation.
VI. Field Effect Transistors:
Junction Field Effect Transistors (JFET) – JFET characteristics, JFET Parameters,
Small equivalent circuit – MOSFETS – Depletion and Enhancement MOSFETS.
VII. Rectifying circuits:
Half wave and full wave rectifiers – Bridge rectifiers – rectifier efficiency, Ripple and
regulation – Shunt capacitor filter – Zener regulation.
VIII. Transistor Amplifiers:
CE, CB, CC amplifier configurations – Analysis using h- parameters – Multistage
amplifier – RC coupled amplifier – frequency response curve and bandwidth.


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I am Aditya of srkr engg college of cse branch.